From the course: Storytelling for Data and Design

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Business or agency pitch

Business or agency pitch

- [Narrator] Pitching a new business or an idea to a crowded room of people, or virtually, can be incredibly nerve-racking. As such, being able to prepare in advance and create a story that reflects your value proposition and vision clearly is critical. In this lesson, you will learn how to develop a storyboard for an agency or a business pitch and explore the three by three storyboard grid. In this example, our storyboard has taken the form of a zoomed out slideshow with nine frames in total. In the early stages of most business pitches, the need for flexible ideation and creative thinking outweighs the need for perfection and attention to detail. In other words, a storyboard should be your team's sandbox where you can test out the flow of your presentation, share feedback amongst each other, and figure out how to deliver your sequence in the best possible way. For example, let's assume that a team member of yours disagrees…
