From the course: Storytelling for Business Video

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Mind mapping

Mind mapping

- Another technique I've found helpful in the brainstorming process is called mind mapping. It's a cross between jotting down ideas on the back of a napkin, and writing an outline. The napkin thing is really random and unconnected while outlining is very linear. Mind mapping falls in between. Mind mapping says that every aspect of your project or whatever part of your project that you're currently working on, radiates from a single idea, like the trunk of a tree. Related ideas shoot off that trunk like primary branches. Subsequent ideas and details gather around specific branches like smaller branches and finally, leaves. Once you have your idea tree, you can draw connections between ideas and different groups, move ideas around, add and eliminate, even plop down new basic concepts that will become their own idea trees. Try mind mapping to brainstorm your plot. As an example, I'll use the consumer video for our Globe Bank campaign. Your central idea can be your message or moral, or if…
