From the course: Storytelling for Business Video

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- It's finally time to get into what most people think of first when they hear the word story, plot. The purpose of your plot line is to use your characters to carry your message or moral to your audience. Unlike many movie and TV shows, and almost all novels and short stories, your message shouldn't be buried in your business video. You need your plot line to convey your message front and center to your audience. Think of your plot line as a river that floats a boat filled with your message right up to the shore where your audience awaits. I've thrown a lot of structure at you, but now it's time to free yourself of all constraint. I'm sure you've heard of brainstorming, and I don't want to repeat a lot of stuff you've probably heard a hundred times. I'll just give you some concepts that may help. First, the elevator pitch. Screen writers for movies and TV use this simple concept all the time to drill down to the spine of their plot lines. The elevator pitch goes like this. You've…
