From the course: SQL Essential Training
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Joining many tables - SQL Tutorial
From the course: SQL Essential Training
Joining many tables
- [Instructor] Now that we have identified the fields that we need to respond to the current request from WSDA Music Management, which is what employees are responsible for the 10 highest individual sales. Let's go ahead now and start building out our SQL query that's going to respond to this request. Now, starting with the FROM clause, we can identify the first table that we need which is the Invoice table. We want to alias this Invoice table as i. Next, we want to now join this table to the first table that we need to respond to this inquiry which is the Customer table. So we're now going to put our keyword INNER JOIN and then we specify the Customer table because that's the table we're going to join to. We want to alias this table as c for customer. And now, we are ready for ON keyword, which is going to tell us the exact fields that we're going to be joining the Invoice to the Customer tables. Now, we're going to say…
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Joins explained1m 41s
How tables share a relationship, part 15m 53s
How tables share a relationship, part 24m 22s
Simplifying JOINs5m 41s
Types of JOINs2m 55s
The INNER JOIN2m 20s
The LEFT JOIN2m 59s
The RIGHT JOIN3m 29s
Tables and Entity Relationship diagrams4m 41s
Joining many tables5m 45s
Solution: Analyzing customer support interactions3m 3s