From the course: Solution Sales

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- There is a huge difference in knowing and doing. I know how to swing a golf club, but I am a terrible golfer. Just because you understand something, doesn't automatically make you good at it. Selling is an interactive and relational skill, and the only way to improve is practice. Here's how you do it. First, find a practice partner. This can be your manager, a colleague, or trusted peer, doesn't matter. What's important is that they understand the context of your sale and the solution selling approach. Then, share the details about the prospect or client situation you want to simulate. Don't overload them with detail. Just share the basics, who the client is, how the meeting came about, and your objectives. Next, ask for feedback related to the specific skill you want to improve. We've covered a lot of different skills together, and you can't focus on everything at once. Dedicate time to one, maybe two at most,…
