From the course: Solution Sales

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Plan for success

Plan for success

- It's rare that even the most talented professionals in any field simply show up for work and completely wing it. Success in solution selling doesn't happen because of personality traits or simply increasing volume of activity. Those things may help, but they aren't sufficient by themselves. Instead, it depends on how well you use the skills we've covered and your ability to make the sales process valuable for your clients. One way to increase the likelihood of success is planning. If you're going to meet with a client, then that meeting deserves some time to prepare and plan. Don't settle for planning in the parking lot or in the elevator on the way up. Instead, plan for these two areas. Number one, focus on the questions you want to ask, not what you're going to say. There's little value in just reciting your capabilities and telling your client all the good reasons they should buy from you. So write down a few…
