From the course: Solution Sales
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Determine progress and value
From the course: Solution Sales
Determine progress and value
- A client of mine in the industrial parts business had a sales rep named Calvin who was selling large V-clips, or what's sometimes called alligator clips, to an automotive manufacturing facility. The factory used these clips to hang and ground automotive parts on an electrostatic paint line. But through consultation with his client, Calvin learned that while the clips were small, both in size and cost, they broke easily. And every time one broke, it would stop the line, resulting in a loss of productivity and increased overtime costs for staffing. Calvin was then able to provide a higher quality V clip that solved the problem. But during the sales process, Calvin didn't simply show up to a purveyor of V clips. Due in part to his solution, the client was able to fix a problem that cost $1.2 million an hour. Helping a client solve a problem, or capitalize on an opportunity, has far greater value than just selling stuff.…