From the course: SOLIDWORKS: Simulation for Finite Element Analysis
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Defining the loads - SOLIDWORKS Tutorial
From the course: SOLIDWORKS: Simulation for Finite Element Analysis
Defining the loads
- [Instructor] We're going to create three forms of loading. A force distributed over a bearing face is a constant pressure. A force distributed over a bearing face is a sign of soidal variation in pressure. And an inertial load applied to the body of the cone rod. Let's select the little end view. The first load we're going to create is the compressive force. Right Mouse click on the external loads icon in the Analysis feature tree. Again, there are a large number of loading options. The first one we will use is, force. Select the two right hand services we created previously. These are in a 120 degree arc. Make sure the units set is English IPS. Make sure the radio button's checked for normal loading. This ensures that we apply a pressure rather than attraction and we input the force as 26430 and it's a pound force. We check the total radio button to make sure that we apply this value as a total force across both services. This button is quite important because if we didn't select…
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