From the course: SOLIDWORKS: Drawings

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Predefined view

Predefined view

- [Instructor] Creating predefined views inside of SOLIDWORKS is a great way to set up drawing templates, for example, or if you don't exactly have your design done but you know what views you're going to want, what orientations you're going to want, you can preemptively set all those up so once your design's done, you can just insert the model into the drawing and have a lot of work done for you as far as spacing, layout, and all that stuff. So to insert a predefined view, it's basically an empty view that we're inserting, but it holds an orientation so that when you put your model inside of it, it will orient the part correctly. So I'm going to go to Insert, Drawing View, and from the dropdown here I'm going to select Predefined view. And you'll notice it's categorized with the Empty view as well. So I click on Predefined view and now you can see that I've got the highlighted, dashed rectangle, if you will, showing where…
