From the course: SOLIDWORKS: Drawings

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- [Instructor] Well SOLIDWORKS users, we've come to the end of the SOLIDWORKS drawing fundamentals course. Now that we've reached this point, I'd like to give you a few next steps that you can follow up on as you train more and develop your skills in SOLIDWORKS. One thing I suggest to any SOLIDWORKS user is to check out the SOLIDWORKS forums. Here you'll find a plethora of experts and topics that you can search, interact with, and reach out to if you have any questions inside of SOLIDWORKS. If you want to meet with other SOLIDWORKS users in person for technical sessions, I highly suggest the SOLIDWORKS User Group Network. You can find a local chapter near you and go see technical sessions from presenters like myself with a bunch of others users in your own community. The best place to check out, obviously, is going to be LinkedIn Learning. Go here and search in the top bar for SOLIDWORKS courses and you'll be able to find…
