From the course: SOLIDWORKS: Drawings

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Display options

Display options

- [Instructor] Besides just dragging the dimensions around and controlling their placement, we're changing the properties in the property manager. You can also change the display options. And these are different for each different kind of dimension. So for example. If I'm looking at this angular dimension, if I right click on this and go down to display options, I here have a set of options that I can use to change how this is displayed. I can offset the text and show parenthesis just to list a few. But each dimension style, or dimension type has its own display options. So this is the list for an angular dimension. If I leave that one and go to this linear dimension right click on that, and go to display options, you can see that I have a completely different list of display options. You can offset the text. Center the dimension. Show parenthesis or show as inspection. These are going to be available I…
