From the course: SOLIDWORKS: Drawings

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Baseline dimension

Baseline dimension

- [Instructor] When creating a SOLIDWORKS drawing, especially of a part that's going to be CNC machined, having the ability to use the Baseline Dimension feature is going to be very important if at least not helpful. If we go up to the Annotation tab, we can see under Smart Dimension we have the Baseline Dimension feature. If we go up to the Tools, Dimensions selection, we also find Baseline dimension here. How this works is we're going to essentially select a singular edge or vertex to start as our baseline and all the other dimensions and geometry that we select after that will be based on that first reference. So let's see how this works. I'm going to select the Baseline. You can see that my cursor now has the baseline dimension feature icon right to the bottom right of it. I'm going to zoom in on this top view right here, and I'm going to select this left edge as my baseline. So I'm going to pretend that my CNC machinist,…
