From the course: SOLIDWORKS 2024 Essential Training

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Chamfering edges

Chamfering edges

- [Instructor] So chamfers are pretty similar to fillets, but instead of rounding over the edge of a part, we're going to add a hard break to the corner of the part. This is super useful if you're using a machining process and you can use something like a spot drill or something like that, and you're going to come around that part, and just, you don't want to have a sharp edge, so you can come in and just break the edge of the top of the part. Very handy. And you might, on your design, might want to switch between the two. You might want to have fillets on the edges and then, you know, maybe a chamfer on the top surface. So, it depends on the look you're looking for. All right, so how do we make these chamfers? So the first thing I want to do is under the Feature tab over here under Fillet is Chamfer. Okay, so the first type of Chamfer is just going to be the Angle/Distance. So just click on a line like this one here. It's going to say, well, what is the distance and what is the…
