From the course: SOLIDWORKS 2022 Essential Training
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Using construction lines - SOLIDWORKS Tutorial
From the course: SOLIDWORKS 2022 Essential Training
Using construction lines
- Let's take a look at how we can use some construction geometry to improve our sketches. Now, right here on the screen, you can see we've got a whole bunch of dimensions here and we do have a fully defined document. So there's nothing wrong with what I have here on the screen. It just looks messy. And there's a whole bunch of duplicates. Look on the left hand side here. You can see I've got a one inch dimension. I got the same thing right over here on the other side, right? Same thing over here. I got a two inch dimension, two inch dimension over here. Let's see if we can improve a little of this by using some construction geometry. So the first thing I'm going to do is delete everything on this side over here. So let's get rid of this one. Let's get rid of that one. Let's get rid of this. Okay. Down here at the bottom of the screen, notice we're not symmetrical, right? We have the origin here on this left…
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Trimming and extending a sketch5m 13s
Creating offset geometry4m 25s
Moving, copying, rotating, and scaling4m 24s
Erasing, undoing, and redoing actions2m 42s
Using the Mirror tools2m 36s
Creating repeating patterns in a sketch4m 8s
Using construction lines4m 1s
Using the Convert Entities tool2m 37s
Adding fillets and chamfers to sketches2m 59s