From the course: SOLIDWORKS 2022 Essential Training
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Mating parts together in an assembly - SOLIDWORKS Tutorial
From the course: SOLIDWORKS 2022 Essential Training
Mating parts together in an assembly
- [Instructor] Let's talk about mates inside of SolidWorks. Now that I've got my assembly started, I've got individual parts inside of my assembly, I can grab and I can move these components around on my screen by left-clicking on 'em and dragging 'em around. I can rotate them by right mouse clicking on 'em and rotating 'em around. Now we need to actually connect them together using mates. So the best way to mate something together is to actually say what you would like to connect together out loud. It might sound a little funny to do but if you actually say it out loud, it really makes it easy to figure out what things we need to click and mate together. So before we do that, let's click on the Mate toolbar right up here. So click on Mate, and notice we've got all these standard mates. We get Coincident, Parallel, Perpendicular, Tangent, Concentric, and so on. Now SolidWorks are actually figure this out for us. If…
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Starting an assembly3m 2s
Copying, moving, and rotating parts3m 12s
Mating parts together in an assembly6m 19s
Working with subassemblies2m 59s
Making linear patterns4m 11s
Creating circular patterns2m 48s
Using the Toolbox3m 46s
Downloading internet parts4m 6s
Using the Q key for quick references2m 35s