From the course: Social Media Marketing Foundations

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Proactive engagement to earn attention

Proactive engagement to earn attention

From the course: Social Media Marketing Foundations

Proactive engagement to earn attention

- Starting a conversation on social media can help you earn positive attention for your brand. When your business starts a new conversation or chimes in on a broader, relevant discussion on social media, it's an opportunity to provide value and share your expertise in real time. This type of interaction with your customers on social media is known as proactive engagement. The act of initiating the conversation by anticipating your customer's needs and interests. The goal is to earn meaningful engagement and attention for your business through the conversations you're having on social media while educating and entertaining customers. In some cases, you'll start a conversation on a topic that you want your company to be associated with as a thought leader, whether that's eco-friendly farming or something on the stock market. For example, TurboTax, a software for handling tax returns might use Instagram to begin a discussion…
