From the course: Small Business Tips

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How to improve a blog for couples separated by borders

How to improve a blog for couples separated by borders

From the course: Small Business Tips

How to improve a blog for couples separated by borders

(upbeat music) - [Katie] Hi, Chris, this is Katie from Boulder, Colorado, and I've been listening to the show since the beginning. I'm a self-employed immigration lawyer, and my side hustle is Honey Visa School, which is a series of online courses to help people bring their partner to the United States on either a fiance or a spousal visa without hiring a lawyer. My question is, I know there's a market for this service, but how do I get the word out and grow my following? I created a blog for Honey Visa School, but I'm struggling to promote it. How does a blog become popular especially when the topic is personal and not something a lot of readers are going to repost on social media. Also, I've previously marketed my firm through informative talks to community organizations, but I'm not sure how to adapt this for my side hustle because of the pandemic. Have you heard of anyone doing this successfully? Thanks, and I look…
