From the course: Skills-First Recruiting with a DEI Mindset
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Learning a new recruiting process
From the course: Skills-First Recruiting with a DEI Mindset
Learning a new recruiting process
- Have you ever tried to teach someone to do something you yourself could not do? If you can't swim, would you try to teach someone else how to do it? Can't ride a bike? Would you volunteer to teach your young family member? Want hiring managers to utilize a skills-first approach when you aren't using the strategy? That's exactly what some of you are doing. Complaining that hiring managers won't accept the candidates you've offered when you haven't taken the time to educate yourself on what exactly a skills-based recruiting process looks like and more importantly, how to be effective. Switching to a skills-based approach will involve some upfront effort and can only work if hiring managers are also embracing it. Unfortunately, many company leaders are concerned about the time and energy already invested in their current process and are stuck on we've always done it this way. But without a change in the process, the how it…
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