From the course: SketchUp for Architecture

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Introduction to the landscaping

Introduction to the landscaping - SketchUp Tutorial

From the course: SketchUp for Architecture

Introduction to the landscaping

- [Instructor] Chapter six will take us into the landscaping and the external works. I can't stress how important it is to make sure that you've got all of these bits and pieces in, not just for this but any project you work on. It's vitally important that you add context and a bit of a boundary to the project. Now most of the work is focused on the front of the building, OK? But there is a little bit happening around the back, little bit of hard standing there which gives access out to two sets of double doors. But this water feature adds a nice little element to it, plus the planting which is in keeping with the area, this is either going to be pacific northwest, for example, or it could be alpine. When you're planting for these sorts of areas or providing sort of images, don't just grab the first thing that comes to mind. Try to get something that's appropriate for the conditions. These little fir trees you'll see all over the area. This hydrangea is also something that would grow…
