From the course: SketchUp for Architecture

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Building the low units

Building the low units

- [Instructor] Chapter 7, 05, we're going to be building the low units. I've turned off my chimney, and my island unit, just to give me a bit more space, inside here. They're just tucked away in the outliner tool, just hidden from view for the moment. So, I've created a... Elevation of the draw sizes, so it'll save us a little bit of time. If you have access to the exercise files, then we need to go to the components, and, click on this one, details. Open, or create a local collection. And then the chapter seven, modeling the exterior fixtures, in the exercise files, and then this one, chapter seven components, and then select that folder. And then, we've got these things loaded up. Okay, like we had last time. And this one, 07_02, Kitchen units, if we click on this and bring it in, it should be set to the right position. We can drop it into the corner, and that should stretch full-width. If it doesn't, then something's gone a little bit awry. So, what we're going to do is... Create…
