From the course: SketchUp 2021 Essential Training

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Zoom tools

Zoom tools

- [Instructor] Zooming in and out of your 3D model is an important tool in navigating it. There are a few different ways to do this. This icon here will activate a zoom tool that allows us to move the camera forward and backward by clicking and dragging. However, we don't have control over the spot in our model in which it zooms into. It just moves the camera as though it were on a track, straight forward and straight backwards. A more efficient way is to zoom using your middle scroll wheel of your three-button mouse. You can roll the wheel downward to zoom in and roll it upward to zoom out. You can also so choose the area to zoom into by placing your cursor there and zooming in. For example, if I want to zoom in on this side door here, I'll go ahead and place my cursor there and roll the scroll wheel forward. And it zooms in on that door. This is the same action if you'd like to use your laptop track pad. You can use…
