From the course: SketchUp 2021 Essential Training

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Why polygons matter

Why polygons matter

- [Instructor] When using the 3D Warehouse, you may have noticed some information about polygons. So what is a polygon and why does the count matter? Well, in SketchUp, there are no curves, only straight edges and faces. For example, this sphere on the right was created using 24 sides and extruded. As I zoom in on this, you can see that it's really just made up of straight edges. This sphere is the same size, but was created using 64 sides. And I can zoom in, you can see the sides are smaller, but they're still straight, which makes the sphere look smoother. In this case, the one on the right has more polygons, which makes it a bit more information heavy. If we turn on Hidden Geometry by going to View, Hidden Geometry, we'll now see that the one on the right has more sides. Again, it looks smoother, but it's also heavier in information. So if we translate this into larger, more intricate models, they have a lot of…
