From the course: SketchUp 2021 Essential Training

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The 3D Warehouse

The 3D Warehouse

- [Instructor] Let's talk about the 3D warehouse. But first, I want to note that the 3D warehouse may look a little bit different than this time of recording, and that's because due to the nature of it, it can be updated more regularly, and the Trimble team is continually working on it. So if you're seeing something slightly different, don't be alarmed, it's going to serve the same function, you'll use the same paths. It just might look a little different. So with that being said, let's go ahead and open up the warehouse. And to find it, you'll click on this first blue icon of the set of four here at the end. When you hover over it, it should say 3D warehouse. You can also find this in the window down menu under window 3D warehouse. But the easiest way is to just click on this icon. The 3D warehouse has items as small as a nail and as large as a city. Anyone can submit a model which makes the warehouse large, but it can…
