From the course: SketchUp 2021 Essential Training

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Rectangle tool

Rectangle tool

- [Instructor] To use the rectangle tool, select the rectangle icon from the toolbar here or you can use the keyboard shortcut letter R. You'll notice the cursor change to a pencil with a rectangle next to it. The rectangle tool works much like the line tool. To create a rectangle, simply click and release to choose a starting point, move your cursor, and then click and release to choose an ending point. To create a measured rectangle, again, click and release to choose a starting point, move your cursor in the direction you'd like the rectangle to orient towards. Now, we can type in the dimensions, seeing them in the measurements box in the lower right-hand corner. As a reminder, there's no need to click into this box. You can simply start typing. For example, if I'd like a 10 foot by 20 foot rectangle, I will need to type 10 feet, comma, 20 feet, Enter. The comma takes place of the X or the by. So this now is 10 feet by 20…
