From the course: SketchUp 2021 Essential Training

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Import and apply a custom texture

Import and apply a custom texture - SketchUp Tutorial

From the course: SketchUp 2021 Essential Training

Import and apply a custom texture

- [Narrator] It can often be helpful to import custom textures from external sources outside of SketchUp. There are a few texture libraries available, some free, some paid, but whatever you use, be sure to look for a seamless texture. Those will tile properly in SketchUp and look better on your model. For this example, we're going to apply a seamless siding texture to the side of our building. Before we import it, we're going to need to double click into the group until we reached the face level. So, I'm going to go ahead and select this, I can see that it's grouped together because of the blue bounding box. Now I'm going to double click and make sure that I have access to these faces here. Now that I can change the faces, I will go to file, import, locate the wood siding texture, and select it. If you're not able to select it, you'll want to change your format to all supported image types. Now, we want to make sure…
