From the course: SketchUp 2021 Essential Training

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Export in 2D and 3D

Export in 2D and 3D

- [Instructor] To share your model with others, sometimes it's helpful to export the file so that it can easily be viewed as a 2D image, or you'd like to export it as a 3D file so that it can talk with another 3D software. To do this, you'll go to File, Export, and here's where you will decide if you'd like it to be a 2D graphic or a 3D model. If you're sharing it with somebody who doesn't have 3D modeling software, you'll want to choose 2D Graphic. You'll name your image and choose the format here. Now, when you export it as a 2D image, it's going to show your current camera view. So be sure that you're viewing your model just as you'd like it to be: the shadows, the style, all the tags showing that you need to be showing, and so on. So once you're happy with your file, you can click export. Now, if you're exporting your model so that you can import it into another 3D program, you can go to the same path, File, Export, 3D…
