From the course: Sketch Essential Training: The Basics
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Solution - Sketch Tutorial
From the course: Sketch Essential Training: The Basics
(upbeat music) - [Instructor] We're going to create a solution to the challenge about creating the bike landing page. This is our shop art board. I'm going to start by reusing elements, so this is showing you how symbols make your life a lot easier. If you go to insert and select symbols, we'll be able to get a nav bar. A nav bar can be placed on the page. At the moment, it's got the home screen selected. What we need to do is to change that slightly. So we'll change our nav item that's selected to the home. We want to switch that for a nav item. Then we want to switch our shop from a nav item to a selected nav item instead. There's a little bit of work here to override that with the right label and icon. Change the home icon to the shop icon. That's the nav bar done, we need to add a bit of text to reflect the name of our page. Change the color. In case you've not realized, our color palette is black and…
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