From the course: Six Sigma Foundations
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An overview of DMAIC
From the course: Six Sigma Foundations
An overview of DMAIC
- Every Six Sigma project has five phases. Those phases are define, measure, analyze, improve, and control, or D-M-A-I-C, or DMAIC for short. To clearly understand each phase, we're going to use, again, the experience of calling a cable company for installation. In this example, the earliest a technician can come is 10 working days from today, and we are told that a technician will show up some time between eight a.m. and five p.m. As customers, our immediate questions are why does it take so long and why so much uncertainty as to when the technician shows up? With that example as our backdrop, let's explore the five phases. First up, we have define. In the define phase, the project is defined, the project team is selected, and management launches the Six Sigma project. The team is tasked with understanding what is important to customers and determine the performance outcome to be improved. In Six Sigma, the…