From the course: Simple Photo Edits On Your Phone

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Dramatic sky photography

Dramatic sky photography

- [Instructor] Of all the photography to play with in editing, sky photography is probably my favorite. I just love working and manipulating images that are of skyscapes, clouds, and sky, and that kind of thing, birds. All of that stuff can be so dramatically enhanced with just a few simple edits. So I know when I'm out and I see a beautiful skyline, I want to share it in real time, so let's go into Instagram. And we'll open Instagram and we'll get some sky pictures in the Instagram. So we're going to add our picture with the plus sign at the bottom. We're going to scroll and here is a lake shot. So we've got this lake shot. You can click on the right arrows to keep it a rectangle or you can make it a square. I'm going to keep it a rectangle. I just want to get all that sky in there. So we're going to click Next. And the horizon line is already straight, so I don't have to straighten it, so let's just work right now with contrast. So hit Edit in the bottom right. I'm not going to use…
