From the course: Sibelius Ultimate 2019 Essential Training: Beyond the Basics

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Flexi-time note input

Flexi-time note input

- [Instructor] Contrary to what many people believe, the Flexi-time note input method requires quite a bit of practice and knowledge to get the most accurate result. It's best to begin practicing with a simple piece of music that contains larger note values. I'd recommend nothing smaller than an eighth note is a good place to start. So I've set up our example file with a familiar piece of music that many musicians learn how to play on piano, with hopes you'll have some success with it. I've given you a blank piano grand staff below the existing music, where you can record yourself playing what you see in the staves above. Then you can compare your Flexi-time results with the original. You might prefer to mute the originally notated staves in the mixer if you don't want to hear the existing notated music as you record your own. I'd recommend doing this. Go ahead and press M for the mixer and we're going to move…
