From the course: Shooting Video with an iPhone

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Basic iPhone camera settings for video

Basic iPhone camera settings for video - iOS Tutorial

From the course: Shooting Video with an iPhone

Basic iPhone camera settings for video

- In this video, we're going to talk about the basic iPhone camera settings in our phone that we'll find no matter if it's a pro or just a regular iPhone. Now, before we get into the camera app itself, let's go inside of our main iPhone settings. It's here, if you scroll down, that we can access our basic camera settings. So I'll click on that, and this is what's going to be set up by default in the various modes that you can go into with your video camera. So for instance, right now I'm recording video at 4K, 30 frames per second. We do have option for various formats here that are listed, primarily prepared for North America, which is where I bought this phone. And if I needed to, I could get PAL formats, which are great for Europe, Africa, Asia, and South America. In addition to that, some of the record video settings include enhanced stabilization, not to mention lock camera to prevent me from switching between various cameras, front facing and back facing, while I'm recording…
