From the course: Server Administration Essential Training
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Understanding RAID - Windows Server Tutorial
From the course: Server Administration Essential Training
Understanding RAID
- [Instructor] Now, when talking about storage on servers, we really can't do it without talking about RAID. Okay. So what is RAID? Well, first of all, the letters R-A-I-D stand for a redundant array of independent disks. It's the idea of having multiple disks, putting them together in an array so that they can function together as one logical storage entity, and the idea typically with RAID is to provide what's called fault tolerance, okay? Which means that if you have a drive fail, your system can continue to run. Let's look at some of the different options when it comes to RAID. First, we have RAID 0, or what's known as disc striping. Now, before I go any further, I do need to mention, since I just a moment ago said RAID is all about fault tolerance, you need to know, RAID 0 does not provide fault tolerance. If you were to lose a drive in a RAID 0 array, you would lose the data. So you may think yourself, well, why do…