From the course: Server Administration Essential Training
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Planning for a disaster - Windows Server Tutorial
From the course: Server Administration Essential Training
Planning for a disaster
- [Instructor] You know as IT administrators, stereotypically, we are looked at as being kind of control freaks, right? We got to be in total control over everything. And you know what, to some degree, we do. It's important to have control over everything. But there's one thing that you cannot control and that is a disaster. You have no control over it. If it happens, it happens. All you can do is plan for it, all right? So, let's talk about disaster planning a little bit here. Let's start off with the overall continuity of operations. So there's a few different plans that we can have in place or documents we can have in place. First one is called a business continuity plan. This is a plan that considers all aspects that could essentially be affected by a disaster. It includes things like different functions, systems, people, facilities or pretty much everything you could imagine in your organization. And then it also…