From the course: Server Administration Essential Training

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Implementing virtual servers

Implementing virtual servers

- There are a number of virtualization technologies out there that can help you to quickly and easily implement virtual servers. Couple of examples that come to mind quickly would be Microsoft's Hyper-V or VMware would be another huge vendor in the world of virtualization. We have entire courses on how to use some of these virtualization technologies. What I want to do here is show you an example of how you can quickly and easily implement a new virtual server using Microsoft's Hyper-V. So what we're looking at right here is the Hyper-V manager that we have on a Microsoft server. And you'll see here that I, over in the kind of the middle top here, you'll see there's a number of virtual machines. And in fact, we saw this screen briefly in one other video in the course, which is when I actually installed the Windows server 2019 operating system. And I did so on this virtual machine down at the bottom of the list called…
