From the course: Server Administration Essential Training

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General server management

General server management

- [Instructor] Once you have everything installed and configured on your server, the next thing is to make sure that you know what tools are available to help you manage and maintain that server. Now, I will tell you that every operating system vendor has their own built-in tools to help you manage that particular operating system. And then there are also some third-party tools which can really get very detailed on the management that's available on your server systems. So again, I've said this before, and you are welcome to go, you know, start researching and looking if there's something specific you want to see in detail, there's plenty of courses we have in our library which will go into the detail on some of these tools, but I would like to just take a few minutes to go through kind of a high level overview of the general types of tools that are available. So for instance, here in Windows Server 2019, we have our…
