From the course: Server Administration Essential Training
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Capacity planning - Windows Server Tutorial
From the course: Server Administration Essential Training
Capacity planning
- [Instructor] When it comes to figuring out storage for our servers, you know, the obvious is to think about the different storage technologies we'll use or what kind of fault tolerance we're going to provide. But one of the most important things to consider is capacity planning 'cause one of the biggest problems we run into is if you don't have capacity planning, well, you suddenly run out of space when you weren't expecting to. So let's talk a little bit about what we need to consider when it comes to capacity planning. Well, the first thing to keep in mind is that, believe it or not, the operating system itself, okay? You don't even have to have any specific users doing anything. The operating system itself will grow. Why does it grow? Well, it grows because we are constantly patching it, okay? We're applying maybe additional service packs to it. We have log files that are being generated and temp files which are being…