From the course: Server Administration Essential Training

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Backup strategies

Backup strategies

- [Instructor] One of the most important components to any disaster recovery plan is a good backup strategy. So what I want to do with you here is I'm going to talk to you about the three different types of backups. Well, really, there's four. The fourth one doesn't really have to do with disaster recovery. I'll explain it in a minute. But I'm going to talk about what the three different types of backups are and then the strategies behind using them. And I do want to tell you before I get into this, I've been teaching this for well over 20 years, and it was exactly the same back then as it is today and probably will be well into the future. What are the different types of backups? First, we have a full backup or what some backup systems call normal backup. And the idea is all data is backed up. Doesn't matter whether it needs to be or not. It just backs up everything. And then there's what's called an archive bit, okay,…
