From the course: Server Administration Essential Training

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Asset management

Asset management

- [Instructor] So now let's talk a little bit about something that is unfortunately overlooked more often than it should be, and that is a form of documentation called asset management. Right, you want to make sure that you have good records of all of the assets within your organization. So what is some of this? Well, first we have licensing, okay? So you have to understand that when you purchase software, what you're doing is you're purchasing a license to use that software. And it's something that you should keep track of, right? You shouldn't just buy the software and then use it because it is possible that your organization can be contacted by a software vendor or can be audited if somebody suspects that maybe you are pirating some of that software. So you want to have those licenses available to be able to show that you are doing things legitimately. Next is labeling of your assets, right? Just simply taking your…
