From the course: SEO Foundations

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Analyzing SEO keywords and leveraging keyword attributes

Analyzing SEO keywords and leveraging keyword attributes - Google Analytics Tutorial

From the course: SEO Foundations

Analyzing SEO keywords and leveraging keyword attributes

- Now that we understand the basics around keyword research and the concept of balancing relevance, search volume, and competition, let's dive into the tools that will help us explore these keywords and collect all the data that we'll need. There are quite a few good ones out there, and I'd encourage you to explore them all and decide which are right for you, but for this video, we'll use the Moz Keyword Explorer tool to go through the basics, as it provides a good measure of search volume and competitive metrics, and it also suggests relevant keywords to explore further. As with most tools, you'll need to sign up for an account and decide between the free and the paid versions. Once you navigate to the Keyword Explorer, you'll see a screen like this. For now, we'll keep things simple. Leave all the defaults, and just type in iPhone cases. Let's take a look at the keyword suggestions report. Here, we get a list of related…
