From the course: Scrum: The Basics

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Story points and estimation in scrum

Story points and estimation in scrum

From the course: Scrum: The Basics

Story points and estimation in scrum

- There are two kinds of estimation we all use every day. There's actual estimating and relative estimating. Actual estimating is what you use when reading a map. It's 25 miles from point A to point B. This is very specific. Then there's relative estimating, which is comparing things to each other to get a general idea of something, like a giraffe is twice as tall as a zebra, or a cake is the same width as a pie. In Agile and Scrum, we use both kinds of estimating. We use relative estimation to get a rough size of our work by comparing user stories to each other. This gives us an overall sense, or estimate, of how big something is. Stories themselves are rough guides to how the user wants to interact with our product. Because it's a rough statement of need, we can't be too specific on how big it is. Also, since this is just a rough cut, we don't want stakeholders to think we know precisely what it's going to take to get…
