From the course: ScreenFlow 8 Essential Training
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Canvas editing basics - Screenflow Tutorial
From the course: ScreenFlow 8 Essential Training
Canvas editing basics
- [Instructor] In the canvas, your clips are represented as objects, and this is where you can visually manipulate and place all of these objects in your scene. Now if you're following along, I'm in the canvas project. This central portion of your canvas is called your output frame. Now I like to think of this as my stage. Anything that's inside of this frame will appear in your final video. This dark gray area outside of the frame is called your canvas work area. Now think of this as the area just off-stage where your actors might be entering or exiting your stage from. Now the first step in manipulating an object on the canvas is to select it. And you can simply click on an object on your canvas to select it. And you should get these selection handles that surround the object. Now clicking on another object will shift the focus to that other object. However, if you have a clip selected and the new clip that you want to select appears quickly surrounded by the selected clip as I have…
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Timeline editing basics5m 35s
Canvas editing basics2m 54s
Using the libraries3m 9s
Managing media4m 15s
Adding a freeze frame2m 34s
Retiming clips2m 37s
Creating transitions3m 29s
Reversing clips and creating an animated GIF2m 22s
Using markers3m 41s
Using groups and nested clips4m 38s
Audio editing basics4m 15s