From the course: SAP Accounts Payable Boot Camp

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Transaction scenario: Create Payment

Transaction scenario: Create Payment - SAP ERP Tutorial

From the course: SAP Accounts Payable Boot Camp

Transaction scenario: Create Payment

- [Instructor] In this lesson, you will learn how to process an Automatic Payment Run in SAP. This is transaction code F110. This is quite a complex transaction that can conform multiple functions. So we're going to take you through it step by step. In this first step, we're going to create the payment run and the proposal and then actually do a payment as a separate lesson. So the scenario here is we want to create a payment run to automatically pay multiple Vendors and multiple invoices at the same time, as opposed to the one by one manual method that we saw before. But remember, this is a basic overview. In your company, the payment method and the details will differ according to the country you're in, the method of payment, is it an electronic payment, is it a check payment, is it a bank transfer, and also the integration and security with your bank. So this will be very specific for your organization, so we will cover the basics. So the master data, we will create a run date…
