From the course: SAP Accounts Payable Boot Camp
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Display, change, and reverse invoice - SAP ERP Tutorial
From the course: SAP Accounts Payable Boot Camp
Display, change, and reverse invoice
- So now that we've learned how to enter an invoice, we're now going to look at what some of the other options are, for instance, display and change. So we're going to look at FB03 display, FB02 and change. So the scenario here is if you needed to display and update the text in an invoice potentially, or one new option here is you can actually change the payment terms for an AP invoice. And for the master data we can use an AP invoice posted in the previous lesson or in this lesson. I think I'm just going to enter in a new invoice for us to be able to mess around with it. So let's go to an invoice and then see what we can do with it. So under the document side, normally you can have your change and display transactions and then the reverse over here, but let's actually just start with entering a new invoice to give us something fresh to start with. So let's hit that FB60 again, we'll enter a vendor, enter a posting date, get a reference. And get this KR document going, and the reason…
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