From the course: SAP Accounts Payable Boot Camp

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Course summary

Course summary

- [Instructor] Congratulations on completing the Accounts Payable Bootcamp. You've now learned how to enter and review different types of Accounts Payable Invoice in SAP, both purchase order and non-purchase order invoices. You've learned how to enter manual payments in SAP and do some account clearing. You've also learned how to process automated payments in SAP. This the F110 payment transaction where you learned how to create the payment run, create the proposal, and then finally execute the payment run. And you've also learned how to review and audit posted invoices, open items, and a basic accounts payable reporting like the vendor age analysis. So what are the next steps? So what I recommend here is to practice the various methods learned. Try and get access to test SAP system that way you can practice. 'Cause unless you actually practice these methods it'll be difficult to retain the knowledge and there's quite a lot in this course. That's why it's compressed bootcamp but if…
