From the course: Salesforce Essential Training (2021)
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Create custom list views - Salesforce Tutorial
From the course: Salesforce Essential Training (2021)
Create custom list views
- [Instructor] Custom list views are an efficient way to quickly view a list of records for a specific object. I'll show you how to create a custom list view, plus I'll share a few more ways that list views can save you time. Navigate to one of your tabs. I'll choose Leads. As you know, you can select another list view from this menu, and if you look over here, you have some actions and other controls. This gear, this is the list view controls. From here, you can create a new list view, clone the view that you're on, rename the view that you're looking at, or add additional columns. To create a custom list view, you could click New from this controls menu, but instead, let's clone a view. Cloning an existing list view, that will list the filters and columns of the original view as a jumping off point. So choose a view that you like, I like all open leads, and come back to the gear and then click Clone. Name the…