From the course: Rock Guitar Lessons: Teach Yourself to Play

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The acoustic guitar

The acoustic guitar

(guitar music) - All right, so now let's go over the acoustic guitar, which we won't really use that much in this video, but I just wanted to demonstrate the differences between the acoustic guitar and the electric guitar. So the parts are very similar in that you have the body of the guitar, which is much bigger than on an electric guitar, and, of course, it's hollow. So there is a sound hole and the sound projects outward from the sound hole of the acoustic. And you can also get an sound hole cover if you want it to be quieter. Over here, the strings are attached to the bridge with these pegs. It also has a strap button, a neck, six strings, and a headstock. So the parts are very similar, and if you learn on an electric guitar, you basically know how to play an acoustic guitar as well. Sometimes it just takes a little more strength to play on the thicker strings of an acoustic guitar. Now for the sound, it sounds a little bit different than an electric guitar, and this is what it…
