From the course: Rock Guitar Lessons: Teach Yourself to Play

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Eighth notes

Eighth notes

Eighth notes. Eighth notes are black notes with a flag added to the stem. Two or more eighth notes are written with beams. Each eighth note receives one half beat. So here you can see a whole note equals two half notes, which also equals four quarter notes and also equals eight eighth notes. There you can view the entire relationship of this family of rhythms. All right, now that we're moving between quarter notes and eighth notes, we're gonna work on our picking. So for this next example, for a quarter note, so you just do down strokes. Down, down, down, down. When it moves to eighth notes, you're gonna put an upstroke exactly in between each of those down strokes. Down, up, down, up, down, up, down, up. You can also count along as you go. One, two, three, four. One and two and three and four and. Let's try this out. Here we go. One, two, ready, go. (slow guitar music) Okay, so the next exercise uses the same kind of approach moving between quarter notes and eighth notes, but on some…
