From the course: Revit: Twinmotion Workflow
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What is Twinmotion good at? - Revit Tutorial
From the course: Revit: Twinmotion Workflow
What is Twinmotion good at?
- [Instructor] So, who is Twinmotion for? Twinmotion is an easy way for anyone to create beautiful visualizations. Twinmotion is a great tool for architects, urban planners, interior designers, or landscape architects, and maybe even construction managers. Now, if you consider yourself a visualization specialist, someone who creates visualizations for a living, for instance, you might find Twinmotion, somewhat limiting. So, how might a architectural designer use Twinmotion? Well, it would be a good fit for a designer who might be working through a schematic phase of a design and wanted to give a client a quick look of what you've been working on. Or maybe you're thinking about materials, and you want to share with a colleague or client, how different materials might look on your design. Twinmotion might be a good tool for you then. And then, of course, it's a great tool for those final presentation images that you need to…
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