From the course: Revit: Tips, Tricks, and Troubleshooting

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Using the Autodesk desktop app

Using the Autodesk desktop app

- [Instructor] In today's tip, I'm going to step away from Revit just for a moment and talk about the Autodesk desktop app. When you install the latest Autodesk products, they will also install the desktop app. Now, the desktop app will run in the background on your Windows system tray. You can actually find it right here using the small little icon. You'll see it right there running in the system tray. And there is a right-click menu associated with it where you can open the app, exit out of it, use it to check for updates. And when you first launch it, it will look like what I am showing here on my screen, and it'll have this overlay indicating each of the parts of the app. So, the first area here shows you installed products. The second area here, any updates. You can sign in over here, and, of course, we can get started right in the middle. Now, if you go to the Autodesk Knowledge Network online and search for the…
