From the course: Revit: Tips, Tricks, and Troubleshooting

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Troubleshooting discrepancies in your Dynamo graph

Troubleshooting discrepancies in your Dynamo graph

From the course: Revit: Tips, Tricks, and Troubleshooting

Troubleshooting discrepancies in your Dynamo graph

- [Instructor] Last week I shared with you, how to use Dynamo to help you generate the occupancy calculations required by a project, based on building code and the general solution involved, setting up an Excel spreadsheet, that mapped the names, which we were using as the functions for each room, with the corresponding multiplier, recommended by the building code, in order to figure out the number of allowable occupants per space. So we had the Dynamo Graph, gather all the rooms from our model and I was just using the Revit Advanced Sample Project that comes with Revit that you can see here on screen and then using that mapping table, to kind of go through each of the room names in that room and then determine what its occupancy value ought to be based on that name and when I was preparing the file, I kept running into trouble and it was really subtle but I couldn't figure out exactly what was causing the issue. So it…
